to optimal health!
First, Do No Harm
Primum non nocere
Since embarking on this journey, I’ve learned that this is what alternative medicine does for people. By making us feel supported, by summoning the power of expectations and belief, by relaxing our bodies and reducing stress, mind-body therapies move molecules in our brains in a way that can reduce the ills we feel in our bodies.”
Melanie Warner
Cannabis today is PERSONALIZED medicine, based on your goals, your past experiences, your tolerance, and what you are attempting to treat. Today’s cannabis medicines allow you to tailor the experience and psychoactivity to what works best for you.”
Dr. Don Davidson
Cannabis is the single most versatile herbal remedy, and the most useful plant on Earth. No other single plant contains as wide a range of medically active herbal constituents.”
Dr. Ethan Russo (Cannabinoid Research Institute)
Everyone Welcome
The Canna~Wise Alternative Medicine team calls Auburn, Massachusetts home, and specializes in the medical cannabis program. We offer personal and confidential cannabis education, initial certification and renewal, close patient follow-up, as well as compliance guidance for patients.
What We Offer
We understand integrating cannabis into your treatment regimen can be a complex undertaking. We are here to provide support and guidance on your journey to optimal health - you are not alone!
We’re committed to providing the best information and treatment options for Medical cannabis patients, as well as furthering Cannabis as a more normalized medicine.
Our goal is to empower patients through high-quality evidence-based education, as well as to dispel myths, misconceptions, and stigmas associated with Cannabis medicine.
By helping you integrate cannabis into your individualized treatment regimen, we provide support and guidance on your journey to optimal health.